Senin, 05 September 2011


      Apa data itu? Data adalah kumpulan fakta mentah,

Definisi : Data merupakan kempulan huruf, angka, symbol, teks, gambar, bunyi, atau kombinasinya yang belum di olah yang dan memiliki arti.

Jenis Data : 1. Data Rasio
                     2. Data Interval
                     3. Data Ordinal
                     4. Data Nominal

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

How to registers Adsense Google with easy

By accident I found to make the point that was easy, edge out and successful registers at GOOOGLE ADSENSE, on my previous thing was two-time register and be refused. According to information webmaster, if was refused won't ordinary again register by the name of same. I don't know it ala must, but one wants I pass on in here be my experience how I can successful register at adsense's Google by accident, just trial and error, oh... its face is agreed.
I am certain that blogger's friends initiate that wants memonetisasi blognya really hunger adsense's Google,